Mini bible study

Scripture Of The Week

Week 1

Each week I plan on putting up a scripture or group of scriptures and just writing a few comments. Sort of a mini bible study so to speak.

The first will be out of one of my favorite books in the bible, Proverbs.

I am taking this scripture from the King James Version

Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1

This is a verse I have read many times and it humbles me it also reminds me to consider how I live each day. You never no what tomorrow can bring.

Never boast or be prideful towards the gift that is tomorrow. There is no one that can say with certainty that they know what tomorrow holds. I can’t even say with certainty That I will live to Tomorrow. The truth is things can happen that change our lives in an instant.

Each day is a gift from God that he grants according to his grace and mercy. It is not owed to us we can do nothing to earn it. I’m not saying don’t make plans for the future or to try to be prepared for certain different events that may happen. Just know that the one who controls tomorrow and every day after that is not us but our Lord.

I believe the lesson in this verse is simple. Spend your day wisely take nothing for granted and more importantly be grateful to the one that gives it to you.

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