Sewing is a wonderful and useful skill to have. Here are three reasons why everyone should learn to sew to some degree.
Reason Number One
The first reason is the most practical of all, sewing is a useful skill. Whether its sewing on a lose button or hemming your pants there are times when you just need something to be sewn. I believe that everyone should have this ability in case of an emergency or just to make your life easier. Even if you never want to do a lot of sewing and would prefer to hire someone else to do it, at least knowing how can help you out in a pinch.
Reason Number Two
Sewing is fun and relaxing. Now I know that some people would disagree with me on this, but I truly believe most people who give sewing a try can love it, and there is nothing like the feeling of that sense of accomplishment finishing a project gives you. If you have tried to sew and found it not to your liking I beg you to give it another chance. I Have found that for most people I have meet who claimed to dislike sewing their problem with it lay in one of three areas. Please take a look at the these three issues I have listed below and see if they apply to you.
One- nothing is every perfect and stressing over your imperfections or mistakes will suck all the fun out of sewing. Yes everyone wants to do well and make something that looks good but if you take a minute to look at other peoples work, you will see that even pros seldom if ever create a perfect piece. So don’t be to hard on yourself as you learn.
Second- don’t start anything that is to hard for you at your skill level to manage. You do not have to conquer some huge project your first time.
Third- Not all sewing is for everyone, take me for example, I love to sew I like to make quilts and crafts and there has never been a tote bag pattern I didn’t want to try. But when it comes to making clothes I would rather do almost anything else it’s just not my cup of tea this could be true for or the reverse. Try different projects and different types of sewing to find what works for you what you enjoy and what you might be good at.
Reason Number Three
Relationships, to me this is the best and most rewarding reason for learning to sew. It is true that sewing can be done as a solitary activity, and some people like that alone time, but it can be so much better when it is shared at least some times. I am not going to say that everyone who sews is a great person, but its been my experience that most sewers or groups are very friendly.
There are sewing circles and quilting clubs, places you can go to sit and sew or take classes where you can meet people. If getting out is not for you there are online groups especially on Facebook. I currently belong to a group for a Murder Mystery Block of the Month Quilt, It is great I have communicated with some wonderful people, I have been helped and been able to help others in the group. The friendship I have with the students I’ve meet in the sewing class my mom and I teach are wonderful and I could not imagine them not being in my life. Sewing groups are a great way to find friends, people with similar interests. sewing can also be a bridge that can connect multiple generations.
For me these are the top three, and best reasons to learn to sew.